Friday, May 06, 2005

Rude and Mean Spirited.

Today I got exposed to bad attitudes. My day started much like any other day. But, shortly after I had finished running the late letters, the boss called to let me know he was on his way but was stopping to pick up something he needed. While I was on the phone the guy who leases the building up front open the door and started f-ing this and f-that. I really wasn't getting very much else of what he was saying because with just one ear working and the phone up to that one, well you can figure it out.

To make a very long story short. He had a bad attitude and decided it was o.k. to be rude and mean spirited to me. I might have been surprised and somewhat shocked if this was the first time. It wasn't. I told the boss I think the guy is a manic or schizo. Every other day it's something. One day, he's had enough and he ain't gonna take it anymore then the next day everything is ok and things are picking up. The last time he was overly rude the boss had to talk to him. He asked him to leave his profanity at his shop. It's not that I don't know the words it's just that I don't want to hear them...Especially at work. What if that was a customer on the phone. That would have been rude, rude, rude.

Well, the man is on a roller coaster ride I don't want to take. Since he moved his shop in, I have gone out of my way to help him and be nice even when he's been in a foul mood. But, he has reached my last nerve. It takes a lot to piss off Little Zookie but when she gets at that place it takes a lot to get her away from it. People have been known to die from it...not literally but figuratively. I have erased people out of my life because of their bad attitude and how they "act" when they're in one. I take all the beating anybody should have to stand from my husband's bad attitudes. I don't need anymore. I especially don't like what it does to me. It puts me in a bad attitude and stresses me out. Luckily if I busy myself, I forget all about it until something reminds me.

However, he wasn't the only one today. Two other people came off as rude today, one on the phone and one in person. The one in person acted like I should have told the customer I was taking care of to "excuse me but evidently this women and her PROBLEM is much more important than you, and you will have to wait until I GET HER OUT OF MY FACE!!! I didn't. She went off in a huff, I politely asked the customer if he minded if I call the boss to go help the lady. He said it was fine. So I got the boss to go handle the rude lady. That's what's nice about not being your own boss. The boss gets to handle the rude people. Except for the one on the phone. He just seem disturbed that I interrupted his life to deal with something so menial and insignificant as having to drop off a key. I think he thought we should have a maintenance person standing watch over his unit, awaiting for his arrival, whenever he decided when he wanted to come so the guy could fix his door then.

I just can't help it. It hurts my soul to be exposed to so much rudeness and mean spiritness. Life is much too short to be that way. Why do people have to be that way. In this country, people can win a million dollars for being the rudest and most mean spirited. They call it Survivor. I was never one to play king of the hill. I don't care what they say I won't stay in a world without love. Oh, if I wanted to think about it I could hurt an awful lot. People can be so mean. Heck, people are so mean to the people they love and so much more to the people they don't like or they disagree with. Nothing could be ruder or meaner then a suicide bomber. This person doesn't just use words or gestures, they are so mean, so rude they are willing to die in order to make others suffer. I don't think it can get meaner then that. Oh, people are so strange. It hurts.

Thursday, May 05, 2005

Whatta I know??

If I hadn't mentioned it before, my sons got me blogging. They have the most interesting sights. Some times they talk way above my head, and they might as well be speaking another language, but most times they have very entertaining entries. I know how to get by with a computer but most of the stuff they do with their blogs are beyond my capabilities. So if it's something new or difficult to me, I call on my younger son's assistance. If I knew how I would have their blogs listed on my site. Well, enough of that because just thinking about how ignorant I am is making me feel really ignorant. Maybe I can get that to work the other way?

I am smart and truly enlighten. I am smart and truly enlighten. I am...wasting my time.

My eldest is having a birthday this week, so I thought I would devote some time reminising about his life.

T'was Cinco de Mayo 1974. The earth was quiet as we enter the atmosphere around 2am edt. I was going over the final paperwork and debriefing before touchdown. I had been carrying now for nearly 9 earth months and I was getting quite tired of the whole charade. This was just too long to carry, how did human women stand it, and then go through it again some as many as 10 or 12 times. I was ready for my little piglet to pop after the 3rd pilour, but I had to suffer these past "months" to keep everything appearing normal.

Yes, normal. To me way too normal. I am a sleeper. A sleeper from Pigmania. Many, many earth years ago I was placed with a "normal" family. They chose a Native American family to place me with. I grew up with this family in a normal sort of way and now the time had been chosen to continue my own family. When the time would be chosen, I would return home for good and my offspring would take over. Until then, we were to observe.

In 1972 they had set me up with a partner and we started living a normal life preparing for a family. Soon I would hold my little piglet in my arms. We hovered over the small home my partner and I had chosen for our little one. We beamed down and all was now set for our little piggy to enter this world. All that was left was to wait for the time of birth. That happen May 7, 1974.

Oh my Piking! Human children are plain and simply UGLY! They are red and wrinkled and bony and ugly. How much more did they expect me to bear? I swore right then and there, nothing, absolutely nothing they could do or say would make me go through all this again, ever. Humans must of not thought too much better of their babies, you are not allowed to take them home unless they are wrapped up tight and a blanket placed over their faces. I had no problem with that custom. I didn't want any one to see that puny human looking child I had carried for too long. With all the excitment, I had completly forgotten another human custom...making over a baby. You hear, "Oh, he's sooooo cute.""He's adorable." "Such, cute toes"...etc, etc. Why couldn't these PEOPLE just leave us alone. But everyone we had come to know had to come see the baby. I just wanted to grab my little piglet and catch the next piji back to Pigmania. There he would be able to be himself...plump and pink and I could be round and routing in the ground. Instead, I had to put on a happy face and bear all the awful comments and raise my piggy as a human, in human form. The shame of it all.