Monday, August 29, 2005

The Big Wind in the Big Easy.

My mother has taken over my mind, body and soul and there seems to be nothing I can do about it.

Hurricane Katrina was heading toward New Orleans and all I could think was that it was a good thing... that New Orleans needed a good cleaning. But, it didn't turn out to be as bad as they expected it to be.

One thing about the media, It's never as bad as they report it could be and never as good as they report it is. I'm sure that there are a lot of people that are and will have some really hard times. But, since my mother has entered my body...I really don't give a hoot. She hasn't taken completely over or hoot would have been a stronger word.

So since Hurricane Katrina has turned out to be a big disappointment to me like most things in this life. I will attempt to rattle on about nothing in specific just to hear myself think.

My mother used to live in New Orleans. She moved there when she was about 16 or so some where in the early 40's. I don't know the time line completely but she was quite a looker and danced in a chorus line and hung out with some big shots associated with crime and politics, which in Louisiana is the same thing. She partied with Gov. Jimmie Davis and one of the Longs. She mixed with Carlo's family or what ever family was in charge at the time. She married a soldier and lived large with his money. He went overseas and sent all his money home to her. My aunt once told me that my mom would were these expensive coats and if she was out on the town and it rained, she would just throw the coat in the trash. Then they divorced because it was discovered that she couldn't have children and he wanted children. So she went on dancing and partying, then had the misfortune to run into another soldier who partied with her one night and drank champange out of her size 10 pump. He left but couldn't get her out of his mind and returned to New Orleans to woo her. She got wooed and took him to the res to meet the folks. The rest is history...just like this story. She wasn't infertile, they eventually married and her life became a living hell or something like that she would later lament.

I relay that story because I told my boss today that if I could do it all over again, I would live large until I was somewhere around 39 then jump off a bridge. I might assume that my mother would agree with me and when that soldier drank from her shoe she would have hit him over the head with her size ten. Before my children get to thinking they were unwanted and unloved that is not so. What I meant was that life before 40 was fun, somewhat carefree, and somewhat exciting. Now, I don't know if life changed or I did...but life sucks and then it sucks some more. No amount or combination of drugs seem to change my opinion on that. I think even though I went through some hard times and stuff when I was young, there was always hope that it would get better. Well, baby it don't get any better that this. Life can be illustrated like this; Run, run into brick wall, repeat.

So I end this now on a lighter note. #1 son coming for visit this week, so I've got to run. Ha!