Monday, January 23, 2006

Remember Me!

I have trouble with the web sites that I visit that I have to have a sign-in name and password. I try to write down the information but I only refer to it after 3 tries. I don't have the same info on all sites for many different reasons like when I first sign in there already is a zebulon57893 so they suggest I use something similar like africa1*3%7! or mylurxgp9* so I pick one of their suggestions after trying 3 of my own. Then I really get upset when they suggest I chose the box that says "remember me" when I can't remember me. So I wind up with a bunch of sign-in names and passwords that are wrong in the pop down list. So after that, I don't remember me and they don't remember me. They just remember who I think I might be, not the real me...the correct me. So who am I?

That's sort of how life is. How is life? I often wonder. Are we who we think we are or what others think we are? And is that why my life is like it is...I don't have the right password. How am I gonna be remembered. If I am remembered at all. Are people going to stand around the funeral home saying, "Remember when she did that thing with what's their name and got something or did something or something like that." If I am to be remember for ME then they would have to. If they are remembering the me they think I am. Well, then they'll have a few more details to the story.

Which reminds ME...Blood, Sweat and Tears, "And when I die, and when I'm dead, dead and gone. They'll be one child born in this world to carry on, to carry on." I hope the poor sole that replaces mine when I'm gone, has an easier life than mine. One worth remembering. I suppose that when...not if, but when I go, the celebration of my life will be my loved ones remembering the life I could not always remember myself.

Wednesday, January 18, 2006

I just want a real bathroom!

Over 3 yrs ago when we bought our house we thought it was great except for one tiny little thing...the bathroom. Measuring in at about 5x5 it has a shower, toilet and corner sink. Well, we thought, no problemo, there was a 7 1/2 x9 1/2 room that was being used as a closet laundry room and we figured we would turn that into a bathroom. Well, with a home equity loan and a lot of frustration our bathroom has finally got started. Of course, this is just the beginning of a long learning experience. This is something I can not do myself and I've already experienced some mistakes.

My first mistake...I married an electrician. Electricians can not do carpentry or plumbing. Now there are carpenters and plumbers that can do electrical work but if you start out as an electrician, an electrician is all you'll ever be. So I finally had to hire someone. I do not work well with hired help. I have trouble explaining the things I want done or understanding the things they are doing. No surprise there.

Another mistake I made was the tub. I went to the home improvement store and sat down with the little man and explained what I wanted in my bathroom and he helped to pick out the fixtures I wanted. He helped me pick out the wrong tub. Well, my "contractor" shops at Lowe's and I had got my stuff from Home Depot. So the contractor picked out the tub & surround he wanted to install at Lowe's and I had to go pay for it. Meanwhile, I had to get Home Depot to pick up the other tub and give me credit on it. Mission almost accomplished. Tomorrow the tubs both get picked up. We'll, see how that goes.

Which reminds me, today we had snow and 30 degree weather, with strong wind gust. I was waiting at a light and seen this fellow standing along side the road with a sign that said, "Homeless, no work, anything will help." Well, my puppies had a sleep over with the bosses dog and I had a blanket on the front seat for Buddy the dog. I had just dropped Buddy off and the blanket was just sitting there. I looked at the guy, looked at the blanket and smirked. I thought, I wonder what he would do if I called him over to the window and offered him the blanket. I am no fool (sometimes). I know that with the 50 degree weather we have been having that no "homeless" person would be out there in this cold and windy day, when we're suppose to be back in the 50's tomorrow or next day. I figured that would be cruel of me knowing he wants money not warmth...and now a days who knows he might have gotten pissed and shot me or something. So the whole scenario ran through my head as I sat there. He would shoot me, pull me out of the car, take my car and go racing off laughing out loud as he headed for Cincinnati. Meanwhile, I'm laying in the cold, windy street bleeding all over it, wondering if he has a valid drivers licence, pissing off the people that was sitting behind me because my body is blocking the street and relieved that they didn't waste the $2.00 they were going to give the guy.

My motto has always been...try not to piss people off. I can't always do it. I lose it sometimes, but not to often. The older I get the more I think my motto should be "Live large and piss 'um all off." But for now I stick with the one I'm use to.

Tuesday, January 17, 2006

A life, a life, has anyone have a life?

I have looked around and discovered, I have no life. I also realized that it is a common complaint among people of varied ages. So this year, I turn 5-0 and I've decided to get me a life or at least do something a little different with what I got.

Last year I quit smoking after about 35 years of smoking non-stop. People said it was hard to quit so I never really tried to quit. Oh, I quit when I was 18 & 19 and giving birth to my little geniuses. But, when you're young most things seem easier. But, although I have a real distrust of people I chose to believe them when they said it was hard. I would have to say the first couple of weeks are tough but not near as bad as people claimed. So anyway that accomplishment has made me decide to take on something else. THE REST OF MY LIFE...Especially since now the likelihood of it lasting longer has increased.

So far this year, a full 17 days into it I have started organizing what life I currently am participating in and trying to be more outgoing and get out more. I got me this organizer/purse to consolidate all my phone #'s, calendar and misc. stuff. I have been doing better at getting bills paid on time, I am organizing my filing cabinet and I organized a girls nite out with my sister-in-laws, just to name a few things. Right now I would usually be on the sofa mindlessly watching CSI or the new Sleuth channel but I checked out my student loan consolidation info, and info on treatments on my vasulitous. However, I will finish this and play a game or two at Real Arcade. I found a new word game I like, hopefully that will increase my brain power because right now I can't even remember the name of the game.