Thursday, March 31, 2005

Crappy or Happy?

I have to learn the difference between publish and save as draft. My last post sort of covers how I was feeling at the time. However, I don't want to fill my blog with woe is me stuff, even though sometimes I have to mention it because like I said it's a part of my daily life.

This morning I was feeling some better but still having trouble walking or standing for more that a few minutes. I got to work, opened up and started putting together this computer I had found to see if I could find all the parts, when my boss & his dog, Buddy arrived. I could tell right away he was feeling crappy. Then the guy in the front building came in and he was in a crappy mood also. My usual chin up, cheer up attitude was not wanted. So, I kept quiet and let them compare notes on how crappy things were. All I told them was, if I could give you guys a brain like mine I would...because I'm always forgetting how crappy things are and I just smile and act happy. Then some idiot reminds me I have no shoes.

This will be a short post 'cause CSI is new tonite. So I got to go.

Some days later. I need to learn the difference between publish and save as draft.

Sunday, March 27, 2005

Wacky T Cells

Lately it has felt like my wacky little T cells have been running amok, but my meds have been keeping them from a full blown attack. Which isn't a whole lot better, cause I have just been feeling yuck! I have been trying to keep a stiff upper lip, staying chipper, etc., but it isn't easy. And today being Easter, I felt like I should be counting my blessings, not my aches and pains. So, I was thankful that the pain in my leg decided to be at it worse of the last few days on this a Sunday instead of on a weekday. I don't like to, but I took a pain pill. That I could do because I don't have to be to work until tomorrow at noonish. Pain meds make me brain dead. Even writing this some 8 hrs later is difficult. I lose track.

Saturday, March 26, 2005

Stand Up & Shout!

This is our dog. I named him Whisky as a pup, so my husband would always have "whisky" waiting at home for him. Posted by Hello
Just a few words about Whisky. He thinks he's our only child. He doesn't realise that in dog years he is the oldest and still living at home. But in human years, he's our 8 yr old baby. I call him my puppy & baby dog. As far as he's concerned, he is still a pup.
I was just practicing posting pictures. I must say my first run with Picasa went rather smoothly. My sons think they're geniuses, well the apple doesn't fall far from the tree!

The other evening while checking out some music videos on my internet home page, I fell in love with Amos Lee. Now, I am one of those people who hasn't bought any new music, ever I think. I don't buy it, I don't listen to it. Every once in a while like I was doing the other night, I listen to a few new things on line so I can say I'm not completely closed minded and that way I can pick and choose and shut it off right away if I want to. But, when I heard him singing "Arms of a Women" I almost cried and believe me, I don't cry easily. I asked my musician/librarian son if he had heard of him and he sort of blew it off, I made my boss listen to him, he didn't seem too impressed, I told my husband and again no reaction. Don't they know they were suppose to stop in their tracks, turn to the sun and yell at the top of their lungs..."Praise her, praise, she has found some new music that she likes. (enough to buy!). Yes, I bought the CD. But, they just didn't realise what excitement I was feeling. I'm not such an old fuddy duddy, there's still a little spark in me after all. I don't feel so dead to the world out there. If I can discover something new in the world that I like, maybe just maybe there is still something else out there worth me taking a few more breaths for.

Friday, March 25, 2005

Another Life, Another Time

In another life or another time I might have been or will be a sociologist or researcher of some sort. In college, I excelled in sociology and research writing. College wasn't that long ago for me, I got my associates degree when I was 41, then went on for a few more years but stopped short of my bachelors degree. But, any way, I bring that up because I have noticed that like me, there are a lot of blogs out there where the theme or individual feels as though they have one foot in the looney bin.

My take on that is that insanity is a source of freedom. I knew this older lady a while back, she lived in her own little world. She always had a smile on her face and generally talked to her self and walk around selling Avon. I told people that when I got old I wanted to be like her. She was just a bit crazy and seemed not to have a care in the world. Which in truth is what we all get from a bit of insanity...Freedom! Craziness is not anyone's fault. It releases you from the ordinary rules of the world. So in a sense we are all striving to be crazy...To be free.

Now Janis sang, "Freedom's just another word for nothing left to lose." I always liked that line, for the truth it stated. As long as there is something you hold near and dear to you, you are not free. Even if you're crazy and you hold something near and dear, like your little dolly, your cigar box full of trinkets or every thing having its place, you can not be completely free.

My mind, although complex, is as simple as a blackboard. Somehow, I manage to function but as far back as I can remember (and that's not saying much) I can't remember. It's like the black board keeps getting erased but if you look hard enough there is still a slight sign of it under the dust. Over the years, I had been many peoples confidant. I had gotten a reputation of keeping other people's secrets. They knew they could tell me their deepest darkest secret and it would go no farther. However, later I could be reminded of stuff that would bring the memory back to the front. But, most times it was gone, lost, misfiled or something. The things I do remember are the stories from family and friends that have been repeated several times. So most times I feel as though I have a free mind. I don't have a whole lot of preconceived notions. But, then again unless I write things down a lot of my decisions are not well informed decisions. I can't always give a good reason for why I'm doing or saying something.

I watch all those forensic shows, CSI's and Law & Orders and still can't come up with the best way to put my husband out of my misery. Because what comes out of my head is I seen that if I take this certain kind of stuff that might be poison or a common household item and put it in his food or maybe it was placing it under his pillow I could get rid of him in a completely painless or was it a long and terrible death...Either way there is no way to trace it unless you call 911 right away or was it after 6 hours. In college, I took notes and did very well. As my mind becomes freer, I'm thinking I might have to start taking notes on every thing.

Thursday, March 24, 2005

Let's start the show.

I am deaf in my right ear due to auto immune inner ear disorder. I basically went deaf in the matter of a week a couple years ago. As for now there is nothing to bring it back and prednisone keeps the left ear going. However, I can sit here on the computer with my headphones on listening to some good old Motown, my husband will have both tv's on...The kitchen and living room, both at a high volume, some times not even the same station, and I can still hear him moaning about his aches and pains over all that. Most of the time I can't believe, I'm the one going deaf.

Ever since I can remember my time with my husband, he has been saying I should record our conversations and submit them for a sit-com. I do have to admit our time together has been pretty funny at times. I have always been good with the one liners. He plays the stooge and I'm the straight man. Like when he tried to tell me how much he loved me, he said, "Honey, I'd catch a bullet for you." I said, "Let me get a gun and you go long." He loves that one. He tells it to almost everyone we meet.

My husband is a talker, he's got so many stories that we tease him that his stories are numbered and all he has to do to tell us a story is yell out a number, like #47. We say, Oh that's the one about you and Danny knocking Tommy out! Yeah, that one of our favorites.
Which is one of our favorites. Him and his brother Danny was playing ball or keep away from their little brother Tommy and accidentally hit him in the head and knocked him out cold. They were afraid they would get in trouble so they grabbed Tommy by the feet and drug him over to some bushes and hid him in there. Of course, they still got into trouble. But Tommy was no worse for the wear. Yeah, he has a bunch of stories.

Tuesday, March 22, 2005

The Birth of zowaco

Words do not just appear out of no where. This being my first attempt at blogging, I am having trouble trying to come up with something to say. My sons have blogs and I did some quick research on blogs before I tried to start this, but it's not easy.

I was telling my boss today that blogging is like having your own radio show and people can comment on what you say or they can just read what you have to say instead of listening. It's a written show, where you are the host.

So welcome to the zowaco show. I will be posting on my thoughts on me, my family, my life, cause thats all I know. I'm sure somewhere out there in web land there will be someone or something that might get something out of my blog.

To start I will be mentioning the subject of autoimmune diseases and disorders from time to time, because they were introduced into my life in 1997. Now they are a part of my daily life. I will talk about my hobby, quilting. I try to keep one in the making, sometimes I have one in the making for years. Who knows what I will discuss with myself, I always was a very good listener.