Monday, April 20, 2009

Sleep, Sleep, sleep, zzzzz

We had a beautiful weekend and all I wanted to do was sleep! It seems as though come the change of a season, comes a flare up of my vasculities and myriad of so called "symptoms". Yesterday, my elbow started hurting and continued through last night and today. Although, it's painful, I find comfort in the fact that it will disappear as it came, for no gosh dog reason.

I had so many things to do this weekend, clean up the yard and/or the bottom of the barn; spring clean my camper and/or my sewing room; or work on a flying geese quilt I started last week and/or start on a baby quilt for a neighbor. That's not even mentioning house work like laundry and my dirty bathroom. Jim has become accustom to my sleep marathons, but he doesn't function well by himself and he needs input on his activities and of course...dinner. So sometimes, I try not to sleep, although I know I will pay for it later with more fatigue or worse. Sometime when I don't give in to my fatigue it will turn around and make it so I can't sleep even if a large rock fell on my head.

As I lay down, I think about the things that need done, hoping that I'll get the groove to move and do something. As I lay there waking between sleep, I think of the time I have wasted and look for that groove, but generally I just wind up wasting time. So now I'm hoping to try and keep up on my blog. (once again)

New resident of the Cookie Jar, Bosco, a 2 yr old full blooded Bassett Hound. He came to us via our nephew Davy. He got "Lighting" as a pup but lately the pup was spending most of his time in his cage because Davy worked all day and was spending his evening with his new girl friend. So to get him out of the cage we offered to take him in and any time Davy wanted him we would return him. Now, Bosco, cause we name dogs after drinks i.e. Whiskey and Coco. However, we don't know if we'll be able to keep our end of the bargin. Bosco is soooo funny! A regular comedian, a yuck, yuck guy. His paws are huge and his legs are missing. He can jump on the sofa but can't get on the bed. When he tries he goes around the bed boxing with his paws. Most of the time we're mush and pull him up on the bed, yet other times the bed is too full. He like the others have us wrapped around his big ole paw, cause he's so very entertaining. More on that later.

Wednesday, August 08, 2007


The air was hot and heavy as Deb slid the key into the door of the office. Just another day at work that has somehow begun to feel like a prison to her, locked away every day for 8 hours, interrupted only by an occasional customer ticking away about five minute intervals of the day. This morning just getting to work had been an adventure. Whisky her golden retriever mix had barged his way out the gate as she attempted to get the boss’s dog, Buddy, into the car. Her chocolate beagle, Coco, had bolted down the alley oblivious to her frantic calls to come. Wrestling with Buddy on the leash and dragging Whisky by the collar, she had managed to get Whisky back behind the fence gate and Buddy in the car. Grabbing her purse from the top of the car she had raced down the alley in search of her “girl” as Coco was affectingly called. Luckily, Coco hadn’t gone far, just down to the second house and she was able to coax her into the car and finally leased back into the yard. Giving her a few stern “bad girl” reprimands as she returned to her car and headed for work.

Now unlocking the door trying to get Buddy in the office presented a bit of a challenge and she had to nudge him on the rear to avert his attention to something he was sniffing near the fence by the office door. She was dog sitting her boss’s dog, her office-mate, while the boss and family went on vacation to Washington D.C. and Ocean City, MD. Buddy had become a regular on the office sofa just a half year or so after she had started working at Access Storage, a small self-storage facility some four years ago. He was a quiet dog, unlike her rambunctious pups. He rarely moved from the sofa except to greet an occasional customer or their children. Bud was use to children by now, the boss, Marc, had three active boys under the age of 12 and a 2 yr old little girl, but nothing ever seemed to faze Bud. Deb called him regal, because he always seemed so composed and held his head high, but he was just a floppy eared blue tick hound mix that had been rescued from the pound after the boss’s family had lost their other dog, a pure-bred bull terrier name Mike to lymphoma.

She shoved Bud in the door and relocked it from the outside as she made her way out to the storage facility to get the golf cart and make her morning rounds. She looked forward to this part of the job, riding the cart around the facility in the morning air, puffing on a smoke before encasing herself behind the glass door of the office. Every thing looked o.k. she noted that the church grounds behind the facility was nearly cleaned up from the revival that had taken place the weekend past. All that remained was one R.V. and the trash dumpster that was finally empty after being filled the first day of the revival, leaving no where but stacked next to the receptacle for the trash from the rest of the weekend to go. She thought it was a good thing that there was a good fence between the church and the storage units, being the last weekend of the month, tenants moving out might have thrown even more trash in their receptacle and left more of a mess. Since coming to work here Deb had noted that most of the people that rented storage units had bad habits when it came to disposing of things they no longer wanted. In fact, she had discovered that people store a lot of things she would call trash. It was part of her job to clean out the units that tenants stopped paying on for some reason or other and had been foreclosed on, leaving the contents of their units to be auctioned away. Since coming here she could only remember two units were ever bought by someone other that the business. Most were “purchased” by the business and cleaned and parted out, trying to sell anything that might be worth a little something. Having second pick of anything out of the units was one “work perk” as she called it, her boss has first choice on anything of value, she has seconds, within limits more or less set by her, and the rest would then be stored in other units with other contents of foreclosed units and sold at a later auction held by an auctioneer. Deb never took anything of real value without first asking her boss, like the sofa and chair still in one unit that she wants to replace her current sofa. Mostly she gets various household items, just little items that replace what she currently has or something she doesn’t have. She has been able to collect enough storage tubs in the four years to finally organize her and her husbands stuff in the barn at home. This had been no easy task since her husband, Jim, liked to keep the littlest of things from his past. She is anything but a packrat; things had always come and gone in her life so she never seemed particularly interested in holding on to anything, always looking for different things to fill in the spaces of her empty life, if just for a little while.

Now back at the office she entered and went about the opening routine that she had at one time so looked forward to, following the same procedure every morning had given her a sense of stability now it offered a hint of stagnation. Like the things in her life Deb often bored of her situation or station in life. She longed for change, yet feared it. Too many times in her life things had suddenly changed for the worst, when all she wanted was just a small change in her daily routine, something good, exciting, different, just something to take the routine out of her daily life. Yet, today would not bring such a good change, it was one of those in between days, just after the rush of the first of the month, but too soon and too hot to shed the confines of the office and work out in the units. She occupied her morning processing a payment, checking in a rental truck and making reservations for next weekend’s trip to join her brother for an inmate dinner event he was so looking forward to. Her brother, Tommy, had chosen the wrong path early in life and wound up immersed in drugs and alcohol winding up in prison for beating a man to death to get drug money. Her brother was only 19 when he entered prison and over the years she, her husband and her mother, up to her death, were the only ones that visited him in the various prisons he was incarcerated in over the years in western Pennsylvania. Now since moving to Ohio in 1994 she had been able to visit him more often and join him for different events sparely held for lifers. She had come to know that prison officials don’t encourage visitation, they seem to do whatever they can to discourage it. Only with the insistence of inmate organization and prisoner support groups do they cave to different events and visitation amenities.

Unfortunately, Tony the guy who leased the building behind the office a few years ago for a body shop interrupts her work stretching techniques. Like usual he enters bitching about something. Today it’s the heat, his thirst and his miserable life. For over two and a half years now he has wore on her last nerve with his constant bitching and moaning. He had flim flamed himself into Marc’s life three years ago with promises of muscle cars and money that Marc found hard to resist. Marc’s wife Monica was always on him about making more money and living up to his ability that when he pictured restoring classic cars as a possible money maker he jumped right into a quasi partnership with Tony, with Tony doing the body work at discounted prices, Marc supplying the funding to buy the cars and fix them up then they would split the profits from each sale. At first, it was the thought that Tony was a perfectionist at his work, because it took him so long to get a project done, soon it was realized that he was an old alcoholic slacker who blamed everything and everybody else for his mistakes and miserable existence. Every day was another story to sponge money from Marc that he was soon in too far to pull back without losing his investments. Now Tony seems to be a permanent thorn in Marc’s side. Deb would have long ago counted her losses and sent the scum packing, but Marc just goes along on the bumpy roller coater ride that Tony provides. Today she just wishes he would ask her a favor, like to go get him some water or pick him up or take him home, he lost his driver’s license for not keeping up with his child support, for a lot of good they would do him, because he had lost his vehicle months earlier because of non-payment, but with Marc gone she wishes he would ask her so she could be one of the few that would tell him not only no, but hell no. She has pictured his demise in some form or fashion, literally and figuratively, or just the one thing that would shut him down, and out of her daily life and off Marc forever. At first, it had bothered her that she had such sinister thoughts, but after too many outburst and everyday cranking from him, she's proud to think that boiling acid would work or at the very least have her chance to tell him what a loud mouth, blood sucking, slimy leach he is. Yet, thankfully, he leaves and she returns to her work.

Deciding to buy her lunch today, she starts her car with the remote starter Jim had gotten her for Christmas two years ago. Most days she forgets she has it but it has been so hot that she can’t help but remember. Minutes later as she is gathering her purse and keys she sees a car had pulled up to the front of the office and an feeble looking, elderly man is standing outside the car, alone, looking out toward the units. Maybe he is waiting on someone to come or go but whatever he is doing, he is preventing her from leaving just yet, so she returns her purse and keys to their place and waits. Meanwhile the phone rings and she answers. It’s the collection agency they use for foreclosures and other collections. He is asking for information on a foreclosure from 2005, she lays her hands on the file quickly and he ask that she fax him the information. She does. Finally, she starts for the door again only to find the strange little old man approaching the door, she had seen him pull away while she was on the phone, but now he was back. He opens the door, reminding her of the physical efforts of Mr. Burns on the Simpson’s, she ask, “How can I help you?” He lifts his eyes slowly and coughs out the words, “I need propane.” Ah, the one part of the job she never cared for from the start, filling propane tanks. Always, showing the customer a smiling face and cheerful voice she returns, “I can take care of that for you.”

To Be Continued

Friday, February 23, 2007

I'm back

Things have changed a bit since I was last here. But, I'm going to just jump in and start writing.

Since my last post my grandson moved first to Washington state, then to Alabama. Mommie married a sailor upon returning from Navy school. So my life has been missing one sparkling little face.

Now a days my life has been tending to my husband, our two pups, and working. Oh, and tearing our house apart and trying to put it back again. My husband says I'm the only person who, when he comes home has rearranged the kitchen. This year I surprised him once again and when he came home I had moved the sink. I had some help from the fellows that I had hired to help finish up the plumbing in the bathroom. Since then I have moved things around in the kitchen a few times making sure the setup will work. Then freezing cold set in and I haven't been doing much lately.

My latest thing I have done in relation to my health is to join the community rec center. I did that about the middle of December and have been steady at it since. Once again, I hate it that certain people were right, just like with quitting smoking, exercise makes me feel better. Granted it hasn't stop any pain yet but I just feel better and can move a bit better, too. Since I'm working out I had to get me a MP3 player. This week I finally got one. How did I live without one for so long? It's great. With only one ear, music can some time get annoying with it's little squeaks and swalls. But, with the MP3 the sound is so clear with the ear piece. It's not quite as crisp through head phones. I love it. It's like I'm hearing music for the first time. Lynyrd Skynyrd, Leon Russell, Percy Sledge, ELO, Cat Steven, Al Green, Warren Zevon to name a few and of course, the only new music in my collection Amos Lee's 2 CD's.

Well, just wanted to get back to writing again. Music makes me Thought - Ful.

Monday, February 27, 2006

2 Mouths That Can't Stop.

The adorable little brown spot on my pillow is Coco. She has become my little girl, but she has some very bad habits that need address. Licky & chewy sorta explains it all. Now with a 3 yr old in the house I need to be extra careful. Today she chewed up one of his sippy cup tops. Yesterday it was some Valentine erasers, and I haven't had the energy to lift the sofa to see what she might have under there. But, I usually find all sorts of scraps under there when I clean.

Tonight's story is one of the bogey man, as Buddy told me.
When the bogey man comes he knocks likes tap, tap and he knocks down the door and comes in the house and gets in the room and he has big hands, I have big hands but my hands are little and your hands are little cause his hands are big. He grabs everybody with his hands and the cops can't get him cause they won't come in your house but they set it on fire and it goes swoosh and the bogey man will leave and then its ok.
The story is only good when you picture his hands moving as fast as his mouth, making the motions, of big and fast and swoosh and such.

The child definitely takes after his mother who is never at a loss for words, the other night as we drove to go eat, I turned and ask, Are you ok Buddy (because he hadn't said anything in a couple minutes). He says loudly, I'm being quiet! Jim says, Oh, is that what that is...I didn't recognize it. Even when he goes to bed he's not quiet, he sings and makes bee noises until he falls asleep. Although he seems to be a very happy child singing himself to sleep...he is a bear in the morning. He first wakes up stomping his way to the bathroom giving you a look that hurts if you dare to look at him. If he cussed I expect he would do that to. But, once awake he usually turns into a more palatable child. And I suppose like most children, hot & cold from one second to the next all day long. It's like living with Sybil. Love you Memaw...DON'T LOOK AT ME! Can I have some chocolate milk? DON'T TOUCH ME! Don't worry Memaw, I'll save you from the bogey man. I'm going to call the cops on you! Jim tends to take the "evil" Buddy to heart. I just let it slide right off cause I know sweet Buddy is right around the bend.

A lot of times he doesn't know what to do about me. I treat him like a little adult sometimes. The other day I asked him if he wanted something, I forget what. But, he said NO and started to give me all kinds of reasons why, like he hated me and he didn't like this and he was going to call the cops, etc, etc. I just walked away and said, Hey, No was enough. I don't need an explanation, I understand NO ! and walked out of the room as he continued to shout out his reasons to his Papoo.

Friday, February 24, 2006

Surfing the blogs.

The television I usually watch has been taken over by a 3 yr old. It's The Incredibles, day 2. So I thought I would try and find some mindless entertainment on the web. So I went blog surfing. I found this real interesting and somewhat cute blog - . I find it of interest because #1 son & wife are vegetarians and #2 son is a vegan. Although my sons are 31 & 30, I still try and stay in tune to some of the things they are in to. Also, I used to try and cook vegan or vegetarian but not so much anymore...but her muffins looked so good. I need to investigate more and find out how she got them looking so good. I tried carrot & zucchini muffins for #2 son using cornstarch as the egg substitute, but they were heavy and didn't rise like a regular muffin. I am usually proud of my cooking when I do cook, but vegan cooking is hard.

Thursday, February 23, 2006

A 3 Year Old!

This little 3yr old's mother has taken off to wonderful Meridian Mississippi for 6 glorious weeks for her Navy Reserve training and has left him with us. I last had a 3 yr old in 1979. I am exhausted and I don't know if I will make it! Tomorrow will be day 3.

My 3 yr olds were not like this one. Of course, my memory may be clouded a bit but for example: Today, I had a heart attack and yelled at him when he took off after I took him out of the shopping cart at the store. I only had one bag, my purse and a gallon of milk to carry but he was out the door before I could pick them up. I told him to stay until I took his hand, told him to stop when he started to move and yelled his first and middle name as he headed for the door, then finally louder than I like to scream...STOP! My little ones would always listen to step one, stay until I take your hand. I would say up until they started school they trusted that what I said was well worth listening to. Up until then, I was the smartest person they knew. It never seemed to occur to them to question my authority on any subject. They themselves were brilliant of course.

Well, this little 3 year old is smart as a whip, too. However, he is people manipulated smart. Unlike mine he has had a lot of people in his life. He has full, large families...many people around him every day from the day he was born. There was a line at the hospital just minutes after he was born. So he knows people, and he knows how to use them. He can be so cute one minute and telling you he hates you in the next. He turns it off and on just like that. I know this will be some six weeks. I hope I survive.

Background info: I am Memaw and my husband is Papoo. We call our grandson Buddy. We were trying to get him to eat his supper. He said we were mean and was going to call the cops on us.

Story of the day: Buddy told us the cops were going to come get Memaw and bring her to the cop factory. The cops would bring me to the cop factory and put me in the cop store they would get a big knife and cut me up and put me in the cop store. They would not let me come back because I was mean.

While he was telling us this story and answering our questions and Papoo acted like he called the cops. Buddy munched on his supper and gestured with his hands. To shorten the story. I did not get hauled off by the cops, he ate most of his supper, and Papoo pretend called the cops and told them everything was o.k.

Monday, January 23, 2006

Remember Me!

I have trouble with the web sites that I visit that I have to have a sign-in name and password. I try to write down the information but I only refer to it after 3 tries. I don't have the same info on all sites for many different reasons like when I first sign in there already is a zebulon57893 so they suggest I use something similar like africa1*3%7! or mylurxgp9* so I pick one of their suggestions after trying 3 of my own. Then I really get upset when they suggest I chose the box that says "remember me" when I can't remember me. So I wind up with a bunch of sign-in names and passwords that are wrong in the pop down list. So after that, I don't remember me and they don't remember me. They just remember who I think I might be, not the real me...the correct me. So who am I?

That's sort of how life is. How is life? I often wonder. Are we who we think we are or what others think we are? And is that why my life is like it is...I don't have the right password. How am I gonna be remembered. If I am remembered at all. Are people going to stand around the funeral home saying, "Remember when she did that thing with what's their name and got something or did something or something like that." If I am to be remember for ME then they would have to. If they are remembering the me they think I am. Well, then they'll have a few more details to the story.

Which reminds ME...Blood, Sweat and Tears, "And when I die, and when I'm dead, dead and gone. They'll be one child born in this world to carry on, to carry on." I hope the poor sole that replaces mine when I'm gone, has an easier life than mine. One worth remembering. I suppose that when...not if, but when I go, the celebration of my life will be my loved ones remembering the life I could not always remember myself.